[Olpc-indonesia] Malang in July

Yamandu Ploskonka yamaplos at bolinux.org
Sun Jul 6 18:36:43 EDT 2008

Dear Indonesia list,

I will be visiting your wonderful city of Malang between the 15 and the 
25 of July.

My interests and professional work are on Quality in Education, using 
computers (ICT) in education, especially distance learning, and research 
on alternative energies for powering ICT (especially solar).  I have 
much interest in Experiential Education and Scouting.

I know that Brawijaya University in Malang has done much work in all of 
those fields, and am looking forward to the chance to meet Indonesian 
professionals and students that have similar interests, so I can learn 
from you and maybe share some of my experiences.

If it were possible, I would be happy to share about ICT for Education, 
especially on the OLPC Project (one Laptop Per Child), and of course in 
the role Free Open Source Software plays in quality education.

Would you help me find people interested in something like that?  I am 
bringing two XO (OLPC) laptops for demonstrations, and assorted 
materials for such presentations.

Please copy this message to those  that could follow up and contact me. 
  Because I do not speak Bahasa Indonesia it has been hard for me to 
find contact information.

Of course please contact me if you have any questions.

yamaplos at bolinux.org

Yamandu Ploskonka

a brief profile:
Born in Bolivia, resident of Austin, Texas, since 2002.  Educator at 
many levels, now doing research for use of Information and Communication 
Technologies for Education, especially around the One Laptop Per Child 
Project, educational content, language and cultural localization, and 
logistics and other issues of deployment of computers in areas with 
undeveloped infrastructure.  Graduate as Teacher from IFD Lavalleja, 
Uruguay, specialization in Geography degree from Instituto de Profesores 
Artigas, Montevideo, Uruguay, and also French Language and Literature 
degree from University Nancy II, France.

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