<br> Hello,<br>
My name is Leyla Aykin and I am a member of Women's Federation for
World Peace International, Tampa FL, University of South Florida Group.
Last year our group organized a trip to Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien
in order to distribute medical supplies, books and supplies for
students, paint and repair schools and provide overall help and support
to communities in need. We are planning a similar trip this summer and
we are interested in the OLPC program and how it would benefit the
students in the schools we will visit. How can we get involved with
OLPC, do we need to fundraise in order to distribute the laptops or can
they possibly be donated to us? I am completely ignorant as to how this
organization works, so any information would be greatly appreciated. <br>
Thank you,<br>
Leyla<br><br>website for WFWP<br><br><a href="http://www.wfwp.org/wfwpi/index.cfm">http://www.wfwp.org/wfwpi/index.cfm<br></a><br><br>