[Olpc-france] OLPC PR: The Government of Peru Expands the One Laptop Per Child Program with Local Manufacturing

LASKE, Lionel (C2S) LLASKE at c2s.fr
Tue Apr 5 15:51:39 EDT 2011

Oui excellent, j'ai vu et j'ai relayé sur notre page Facebook http://facebook.com/olpcfrance 


-----Message d'origine-----
De : olpc-france-bounces at lists.laptop.org [mailto:olpc-france-bounces at lists.laptop.org] De la part de Sean DALY
Envoyé : mardi 5 avril 2011 21:49
À : OLPC-France_Liste; OLPC France membres
Objet : [Olpc-france] OLPC PR: The Government of Peru Expands the One Laptop Per Child Program with Local Manufacturing


"a curriculum guide written by a Peruvian teacher has been recently translated into French for schools in Madagascar"

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