[Olpc-france] [Sugar-devel] Demande d'information technique sur Sugar

s.boutayeb at free.fr s.boutayeb at free.fr
Fri Oct 9 07:34:03 EDT 2009


Selon Elena of Valhalla <elena.valhalla at gmail.com>:

> 2009/10/9 Sean DALY <sdaly.be at gmail.com>:
> > Here's a question from France: can Sugar run over an ARM processor?
> >
> > Mathieu says Debian might do so.
> >
> > Any information appreciated.
> I'm working on OpenEmbedded recipes to be able to build sugar for
> various devices, including many ARM based ones, but it's taking quite
> some time; I can't say when it will be working seamlessy.
> Currently the best way to have sugar running will probably be using
> debian, and of course there will be issues with binaries in the
> activities.

Sugar does runs on other architecturs too: as on the Yeeloong and the Gdium
laptops, both using an mips processor. Here, a Yeeloong launchs Sugar, however,
du to dependencies issues, it's not yet usable. We are using the binaries
provided by the official repositories. On could use the jhbuild method too.

On the Gdium, shipped with Mandriva, we are trying to achieve the same result,
but the jhbuild process fails early.

As for the arm target, it appears to be a promissing platform, as a few arm
notebooks/netbooks are announced in the next monts or are already available.
Consequently, trying to port Sugar on those platforms will certainly be worth
the effort.



> --
> Elena ``of Valhalla''
> email: elena.valhalla at gmail.com
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