[Olpc-france] Competitive Landscape: Intel Classmate launched in France by Archos; "Cartable Numérique" (Digital Satchel) approved by Education Nationale
sdaly.be at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 03:38:43 EDT 2009
I found time yesterday to unpack the machine, which I also saw on sale
in Paris at a major electronics retailer.
I applied 43 patches to Windows (the Archos is built in China so the
factory images must be dated), installed LiveUSB-Creator, loaded an SD
Card with Sugar on a Stick, adjusted the BIOS boot order and booted
right into Sugar.
Like the Gen1 Classmate, I like the keyboard and the rubber seal over
the SD Card slot.
I'll be looking at the bundled software in a few weeks.
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Sean DALY<sdaly.be at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/news.phtml/25265/archos-classmate-mini-pc-photos.phtml
> Archos has launched in the UK, after France.
> The machine is on sale now in France, I have just ordered one.
> This is the Gen2 Classmate, 8.9" screen no swivel.
> UK's Zoostorm who have marketed the Classmate as the "Fizzbook" won't
> be happy to have a direct competitor Intel licensee... although my
> understanding is that Zoostorm is about to launch the Gen3 swivel
> model in the UK.
> Sean
> 2009/6/22 Sean DALY <sdaly.be at gmail.com>:
>> La conférence de presse est en ligne:
>> http://www.archos.com/corporate/event_062009.html?country=fr&lang=fr
>> A noter, l'intervention d'Alain Madelin, actuellement président du
>> Fondation du Fonds de Solidarité Numérique (Global Digital Solidarity
>> Fund / Fondo mundial de Solidaridad Digital)
>> http://www.dsf-fsn.org/cms/content/view/281/1/lang,fr/
>> La partie "PC à soutien scolaire" débute vers 2230
>> Intervention de Patrice Magnard, fondateur PDG de Maxicours
>> (www.maxicours.com). Je trouve intéressant sa présentation de la
>> "compétition des écrans" mais est-ce que c'est par hasard qu'il fait
>> une analogie avec le sucre, qui peut mener à "l'obesité numérique" ?
>> Interventions enfin de Stéphane Nègre, patron d'Intel France et Eric
>> Boustellier, patron de Microsoft France, ce dernier citant le Portugal
>> comme exemplaire avec 500.000 Classmates vendus ("la France est dix
>> fois plus grand").
>> 5000 classes rurales en France seront équipées d'un tableau numérique
>> et a priori ces Classmates.
>> Sean.
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Sean DALY<sdaly.be at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Press release: http://www.archos.com/corporate/press/press_releases/Archos_CartableNum_PR_fr.pdf
>>> Note that product PDF announced Lotus Symphony standard and MS-Office
>>> as option with student pricing; it seems a deal was made to bring in
>>> Office "of course" as Archos says on their webpage
>>> Sean
>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Sean DALY<sdaly.be at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> http://www.archos.com/products/nb/cm/index.html?country=fr&lang=fr
>>>> http://www.archos.com/education/ecole-numerique-rurale
>>>> http://www.archos.com/products/nb/cm/features.html
>>>> http://www.archoslounge.net/Premier-compte-rendu-de-la-conference,8906.html
>>>> http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/11/archos-rolls-out-archos10s-archos13-laptops-classmate-based-st/
>>>> PDF: http://www.archos.com/education/ecole-numerique-rurale/pdf/SPEC_SHEET_Cartable_Numerique_version_ecoles.pdf
>>>> http://www.classmatepc.com
>>>> http://www.classmatepc.com/video/classmatePC/
>>>> MSRP: EUR 379
>>>> Software:
>>>> Windows XP
>>>> Microsoft Office 2007 "bien évidemment" (!)
>>>> Subscription to Education Ministry-approved Maxicours
>>>> http://www.maxicours.com ("success for all") as well as 100 Maxicours
>>>> "fun learning videos"
>>>> Intel collaborative software:
>>>> - Students: http://www.classmatepc.com/pdf/QuickGuide_2nd_Gen_StudentClassroomCollaboration_Eng.pdf
>>>> - Teachers: http://www.classmatepc.com/pdf/QuickGuide_2nd_Gen_TeacherClassroomCollaboration_Eng.pdf
>>>> - Teachers (option): NetOpSchool
>>>> http://www.netop.com/products/education/netop-school6.htm
>>>> BitDefender Antivirus 2009
>>>> Parental control : Intel Parents Carefree
>>>> (http://www.classmatepc.com/pdf/QuickGuide_2nd_Gen_ParentsCarefree_Eng.pdf)
>>>> and/or Parental Filter 2
>>>> (http://www.profiltechnology.com/fr/familles/parentalfilter2/index.aspx)
>>>> Microsoft MovieMaker
>>>> Demos of games by Gameloft include Chess and Real Football 2009
>>>> Skype
>>>> Hardware:
>>>> LCD 9"
>>>> Intel Atom
>>>> RAM 1Gb
>>>> SSD Flash NAND 16Gb (school version) / 30Gb (retail version)
>>>> Ethernet
>>>> Wifi b/g
>>>> 6-cell battery
>>>> 2 USB ports
>>>> SD/MMC Card reader
>>>> webcam
>>>> - Sean
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