[Olpc-france] Dernières actions OLPC France

s.boutayeb at free.fr s.boutayeb at free.fr
Mon Dec 15 10:15:44 EST 2008

L'article "[Community-news] OLPC News (2008-12-15)" donne des infos
intéressantes. Il est consultable ici:

rend compte, entre autres informations, de quelques-unes des actions menées par
OLPC France.

The French OLPC Foundation program, known as Un chez toi, un chez moi,
is building momentum. They’ve created a viral action to get to the
maximum number of people in a minimum amount of time, and have produced
supplementary Zimi videos in 12 languages on Dailymotion
As we reported last week, they also have a French TV star video on the
Dailymotion France homepage (http://www.dailymotion.com/fr).

Articles have started to
appear:http://www.mood-for.fr/one-laptop-per-child-france-olpc/. Their
objective is 1725 new orders in the next two weeks. The European country
that books the highest sales gets a red XO.

Sur ce dernier point, quelqu'un sait-il de quoi il retourne ?

merci a+


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