[OLPC-DE] Auszug aus der olpc community news

Sebastian Umlauft sebastian.umlauft at gmx.de
Di Nov 25 16:31:54 EST 2008


ich kopiere hier mal kommentarlos den Auszug aus der letzten community
news. Im letzten Abschnitt steht was zu OLPC Deutschland und deutschen
Tastaturen :)

Dank an Bert Freudenberg, der unsere Sache ja super rüberbringt!

Schritt für Schritt ...


Community News
A weekly update of One Laptop per Child November 17, 2008


Last week was a blur in Cambridge, New York and throughout OLPC world
wide as we prepared for our first global campaign. Beginning with a
Monday morning ?war room? session in Patmos, 1CC deployed every
available hand to ensure that all will be ready for tomorrow?s launch.

Mel Chua, Adam Holt, Frances Hopkins and SJ organized volunteers to
restructure, review and update the many Frequently Asked Questions that
have been collected over the last
year,http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support_FAQ. Paul Fox helped manage and
send email thank you notes to last year's G1G1 donors, as well as to
this year's list of interested people. More than a hundred thousand
messages went out. SJ has helped manage many of the community efforts,
website and news efforts ahead of the launch.

Eben created a Global G1G1 GoogleMap which allows everyone to post the
location of their XO. In just a few days the map has been viewed more
than 41,000 times, primarily by last year's G1G1 participants who
received their email thank yous. Add your XO
athttp://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=114558805698125207804.000001132ad0d5f3d14f8&z=0 (A direct link from laptop.org will be added shortly). 

Adam and Kim Quirk helped prepare the Amazon storefront. They worked on
everything from policy statements to help pages, links, terms and
conditions, and release management. Many hours were spent on the phone
with the very patient and helpful people from Amazon US and Amazon UK.
The storefronts will be live at six am Monday, EST.

Mel announced that community testers have set themselves a short term
goal of having all 28 G1G1 shipping Activities documented and tested
before Christmas. She also reports that work on scripts for configuring
XO/XS test beds now has some community volunteers. Our thanks go out to
those volunteers! 

Along with just about everyone else in the office, the test team was
involved in a number of G1G1 activities, from organizing video footage
to updating support documentation. 

We have deployed a new machine at the MIT colo in anticipation of the
G1G1 campaign. A major effort to prepare the website, wiki and
infrastructure for increased traffic has been underway, as well. The
infrastructure changes meant that OLPC?s primary public-facing machines
and services were unavailable from approximately 16:30 to 21:30 Tuesday,
November 11th. Web, wiki, and mail services were impacted.

Scott Ananian spent much of the week shoring up web services in advance
of the launch. Our wiki and web site are now running in well-documented
virtual hosts, from content version-controlled in git. Our wiki now sits
behind a reverse proxy, in a configuration closely matching that used by
the Wikimedia Foundation for Wikipedia. 

Our pro bono partners at Racepoint, Mediacom and Taxi have devised an
impressive media campaign. Several new videos begin tonight (Sunday) on
the OLPC You Tube channel, as well as on Google TV, laptop.org and
elsewhere, and they include an excellent animation on our mission. New
content will debut throughout the week. 

FaceBook members can join the OLPC cause and invite their friends to do
the same. Additional FaceBook and Google gadgets will be updated in the
next few days.

Tomorrow, G1G1 will be featured on more than 4,000 billboards and other
outdoor venues nationwide. Commercials will air on all major broadcast
channels, cable and on radio. Newspapers and magazines will begin with
print ads. 

The European grassroots are struggling to assist OLPC in giving G1G1 in
Europe a good head-start. On Monday, Walter de Brouwer of OLPC Europe
contacted Christoph Derndorfer (Austria), Daniel Drake (United Kingdom),
Bert Freudenberg (Germany), Frits Hoff (Netherlands), and Lionel Lask?
(France) with a request for help. The grassroots have been working all
week in their countries to prepare for the unexpected though very
welcomed) situation. They immediately started to spread the news, worked
on translations of packaging materials etc., although later it became
clear how little is set for the European part of G1G1 yet. They even had
to fend off the press inquiring for more exact details, which
unfortunately are still unknown.

Meanwhile, OLPC Germany is trying to find a way to get German keyboards
on the machines for German donors. Since orders in Europe are not going
to be fulfilled immediately anyway, there might be enough time to get
those keyboards manufactured. OLPC Germany had gotten many requests from
teachers and parents who will only consider to donate/buy German

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