[OLPC-DE] Fwd: [Grassroots-l] localization of the keyboard in the context of the G1G1EU
s.boutayeb at free.fr
s.boutayeb at free.fr
Fr Nov 21 02:59:15 EST 2008
please find hereafter an invitation to discuss the issue of the localized
keyboards. I propose to continue the discussion on the grassroots list
(grassroots at lists.laptop.org / http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/grassroots/ )
Je vous invite à poursuivre la discussion sur les claviers localisés sur la
liste grassroots (grassroots at lists.laptop.org /
http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/grassroots/ )
After the launch of the G1G1 in Europe, the grassroots (especially in Germany
and France) are discussing the alternatives for localized keyboards:
The motivation: the endusers in our respective countries are likely to have
difficulties with the standard qwerty keyboard.
Moreover, some of us are aware that the local administration responsible for the
bidding procedures in the equipment of schools with education platforms could be
possibly refuse the XO considering the lack of a localized keyboard.
So, various alternative are discussed:
- a group buy of a specially manufactured keyboard with a localized keymap. This
new keyboard should be installed by the local grassroots / repair centers in
each target country
- a sheet with adhesive stickers to be stamped (by the end users). The local
grassroot organizations could design such a sheet and select a supplier able to
provide the adequate quality (the rubber keys may have specific adhesive
caracteristics, etc.).
As for this alternative, see what a taiwanese hacker achieved recently:
Please feel free to share your options and solutions here,
Best regards,
olpc france
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