[OLPC-DE] OLPC / Constructivism Teach the Teacher school?

Marco Herbst marco.herbst at gmail.com
Mi Nov 12 11:18:14 EST 2008


I am new here, so I hope this post is appropriate ...

I was wondering about setting up a "Teach the teacher" operation for
OLPC and wanted to hear some feedback.

The idea would be a classroom environment for people interested in
learning about the OLPC and Constructivism.

The course would cover the laptop hardware, linux basics, Sugar,
various activities, constructing a lesson plan, Etoys, etc. etc.

I am based in Berlin, so I had it in mind to establish it here.

I imagine a typical participant would be someone interested in working
in an OLPC deployment and wanting to familiarise themselves a bit more
with the concept.

I still have not decided whether I would be a teacher or a student in
such a program ;) , but certainly it would require the involvement of
much of the expertise that I imagine lurks on this list.

I hope you dont mind me posting in english, please feel free to reply
auf Deutsch.



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