[OLPC-DE] Fwd: [Grassroots-l] Paper on how to improve education in Nepal with OLPC

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sa Jun 7 07:45:35 EDT 2008


findet Ihr solche Weiterleitungen sinnvoll, oder soll ich das lassen? :)


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [Grassroots-l] Paper on how to improve education in Nepal with OLPC
Date: Thursday 05 June 2008 14:33
From: Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at gmail.com>
To: OLPC Developer's List <devel at lists.laptop.org>, grassroots 
<grassroots at lists.laptop.org>

My colleague Saurav Dev Bhatta just released a paper he wrote about
implementing OLPC in Nepal. It really gives a great overview of OLPC's
relevance to Nepal's education system and how best to implement OLPC in
a developing country.

Tackling the Problems of Quality and Disparity in Nepal’s School
Education: The OLPC Model

take a look at it

Bryan W. Berry
Systems Engineer
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

Grassroots mailing list
Grassroots at lists.laptop.org

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