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<DIV>I didn't see it in the prev email, but the date of this is: </DIV>
<DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 11px; PADDING-TOP: 1px">Wed March 18th, 2009 6:30 PM
- 8:00 PM </DIV></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>In a message dated 2/27/2009 11:02:04 A.M. Central Standard Time,
olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org writes:</DIV>
style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: blue 2px solid"><FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face=Arial color=#000000 size=2>Send
OLPC-Chicago mailing list submissions to<BR>
olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org<BR><BR>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World
Wide Web, visit<BR>
http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago<BR>or, via email, send a message
with subject or body 'help' to<BR>
olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org<BR><BR>You can reach the person managing
the list at<BR> olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org<BR><BR>When
replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<BR>than "Re:
Contents of OLPC-Chicago digest..."<BR><BR><BR>Today's
Topics:<BR><BR> 1. Nicholas Negroponte in chicago (Sarah
Ziegler)<BR> 2. Re: Nicholas Negroponte in chicago (Mel
1<BR>Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:46:54 -0600<BR>From: Sarah Ziegler
<sarah.e.ziegler@gmail.com><BR>Subject: [OLPC-Chicago] Nicholas
Negroponte in chicago<BR>To:
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<BR><BR>I don't remember seeing this posted on
this list and thought it might<BR>be of interest. I wish I could
go!<BR><BR>-Sarah<BR><BR><BR>Internationally renowned scientist, best-selling
author and One Laptop<BR>Per Child founder Nicholas Negroponte presents a
timely seminar on the<BR>role of science intellect and economic future.
Negroponte will discuss<BR>the critical importance of innovation and
engineering to finding<BR>long-term solutions out of the worst financial
crisis in decades. Join<BR>Science Chicago for an intriguing conversation on
how technology<BR>intersects with business and society, effectively
forecasting the<BR>transformations that define our global tomorrow.
FREE.<BR><BR>Art Institute of Chicago<BR>Fullerton Auditorium<BR>111 South
2<BR>Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 21:28:39 -0500<BR>From: Mel Chua
<mel@melchua.com><BR>Subject: Re: [OLPC-Chicago] Nicholas Negroponte in
chicago<BR>To: olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org<BR>Message-ID:
<49A74FD7.3060102@melchua.com><BR>Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed<BR><BR>If you go, please ask
interesting/tough/important questions and write up <BR>the answers for
olpcnews.com, or otherwise post them out there. I'm <BR>curious as well, but
out here on the East coast at the moment.<BR><BR>--Mel<BR><BR>Sarah Ziegler
wrote:<BR>> I don't remember seeing this posted on this list and thought it
might<BR>> be of interest. I wish I could go!<BR>> <BR>>
-Sarah<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Internationally renowned scientist,
best-selling author and One Laptop<BR>> Per Child founder Nicholas
Negroponte presents a timely seminar on the<BR>> role of science intellect
and economic future. Negroponte will discuss<BR>> the critical importance
of innovation and engineering to finding<BR>> long-term solutions out of
the worst financial crisis in decades. Join<BR>> Science Chicago for an
intriguing conversation on how technology<BR>> intersects with business and
society, effectively forecasting the<BR>> transformations that define our
global tomorrow. FREE.<BR>> <BR>> Art Institute of Chicago<BR>>
Fullerton Auditorium<BR>> 111 South Michigan Avenue<BR>> Chicago<BR>>
_______________________________________________<BR>> OLPC-Chicago mailing
list<BR>> OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org<BR>>
of OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 17, Issue
5<BR>*******************************************<BR></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></FONT><br/><font style="color:black;font:normal 10pt arial,san-serif;"> <hr style="margin-top:10px"/>Get a jump start on your taxes. <a href="http://yellowpages.aol.com/search?query=Tax+Return+Preparation+%26+Filing&ncid=emlcntusyelp00000004">Find a tax professional in your neighborhood today</a>.</font></DIV></BODY></HTML>