<div dir="ltr">I've sent a few emails to OLPC-Chicago about this, but here's a reminder:<br><br>ILXO (<a href="http://ilxo.org">http://ilxo.org</a>) and IMSA (<a href="http://www.imsa.edu">http://www.imsa.edu</a>) are hosting a summer Game Jam. The Jam will last for 3 days, with brainstorming and introductions on the first day, drop in talks and possibly t-shirt silkscreening on the second day, and testing/judging on the third day. We will provide food, workspace, and XOs; you should bring yourself and ideally something to write code on. We would also love to have kids who can come in and judge games on the last day (Sunday, August 10 from about 4:30pm-6:00pm).<br>
<br>Please RSVP to <a href="mailto:office@ilxo.org">office@ilxo.org</a> if you would like to attend. We'll need to know the names of everyone coming (to put you on the let in list), what days you plan to attend, and any dietary restrictions.<br>
<br>Hope to see you there!<br><br>-Nikki<br></div>