<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif">Ms. Rubio,<BR><BR>Senator Raoul as signed on as a Chief Co-Sponsor to HB5000. His<BR>colleague, Senator Michael Bond is the Chief Sponsor in the Senate.<BR>Thank you for bringing this bill to the Senator's attention. He greatly<BR>appreciates his constituents offering their voices to their district.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Laurie Bonnett<BR>Legislative Assistant<BR>Senator Kwame Raoul<BR>13th District<BR><BR>
<DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif">----- Original Message ----<BR>From: "olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org" <olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org><BR>To: olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org<BR>Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 12:10:52 AM<BR>Subject: OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 13<BR><BR>Send OLPC-Chicago mailing list submissions to<BR> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR><BR>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<BR> <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago</A><BR>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<BR> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org"
ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org</A><BR><BR>You can reach the person managing the list at<BR> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org</A><BR><BR>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<BR>than "Re: Contents of OLPC-Chicago digest..."<BR><BR><BR>Today's Topics:<BR><BR> 1. Fwd: [Bytesfree-discuss] Voter Information Project - Call For<BR> Help (Edward Cherlin)<BR> 2. Fwd: Media Advisory: House Members Introduce Res. 1078 in<BR> support of the Global Marshall Plan (Edward Cherlin)<BR> 3. Re: OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12 (kayiwa fred)<BR> 4. Re: [OLPC library] Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn on HB5000<BR> (Edward
Cherlin)<BR><BR><BR>----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR><BR>Message: 1<BR>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 17:50:41 -0700<BR>From: "Edward Cherlin" <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>><BR>Subject: [OLPC-Chicago] Fwd: [Bytesfree-discuss] Voter Information<BR> Project - Call For Help<BR>To: <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>Message-ID:<BR> <<A href="mailto:e574f6eb0804101750q604b2f64ob362428ca54bba24@mail.gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:e574f6eb0804101750q604b2f64ob362428ca54bba24@mail.gmail.com">e574f6eb0804101750q604b2f64ob362428ca54bba24@mail.gmail.com</A>><BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8<BR><BR>We should be able to use this to datamine the Illinois Legislature on<BR>HB5000, and on education more
generally. Where can we put the pages?<BR>Shall we start a Wiki?<BR><BR><BR>---------- Forwarded message ----------<BR>From: Ilan Rabinovitch <<A href="mailto:ilan@socallinuxexpo.org" ymailto="mailto:ilan@socallinuxexpo.org">ilan@socallinuxexpo.org</A>><BR>Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 4:40 PM<BR>Subject: Re: [Bytesfree-discuss] Voter Information Project - Call For Help<BR>To: Edward Cherlin <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>><BR>Cc: bytesfree-discuss <<A href="mailto:bytesfree-discuss@bytesfree.org" ymailto="mailto:bytesfree-discuss@bytesfree.org">bytesfree-discuss@bytesfree.org</A>><BR><BR><BR>Edward Cherlin wrote:<BR><BR>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 3:39 AM, Ilan Rabinovitch<BR>> <<A href="mailto:ilan@socallinuxexpo.org" ymailto="mailto:ilan@socallinuxexpo.org">ilan@socallinuxexpo.org</A>> wrote:<BR>><BR>><BR>> > Hello,<BR>> ><BR>> > One
of the pieces we have been working on for our booth at LUG Radio<BR>> > Live is the release of an voter information project.<BR>> > Using dapper, deki and several other technologies we have been able to<BR>> > pull in a wealth of data from other services to auto-populate some basic<BR>> > profile pages for each elected official.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>><BR>> I'm interested in how you did that. I have two projects that would<BR>> like to be able to do much the same thing. Impeachment, and HB5000,<BR>> the Children's Low-Cost Laptop Act, in Illinois--OLPC XOs and other<BR>> laptops for 300 schools.<BR>><BR>> <A href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Illinois" target=_blank>http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Illinois</A><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>Most of the project we've done so far is available here:<BR><BR><A href="http://deki.bytesfree.org/"
target=_blank>http://deki.bytesfree.org/</A><BR><BR>We currently pull in data using the following APIs:<BR>- FollowTheMoney.org<BR>- Sunlight Labs API<BR>- Govtrack.US<BR><BR>I would greatly appreciate any feedback on content that should be<BR>added. Right now the piece we are working on is campaign<BR>contributions, but that might have to wait until post LRL due to lack<BR>of APIs at the federal level. (ie I'm pulling the FEC database into<BR>mysql at the moment).<BR><BR>Ilan<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>--<BR>Ilan Rabinovitch<BR>Conference Chair<BR>Southern California Linux Expo<BR>(w) 877.831.2569 x 110<BR>(m) 818.442.1865<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>Edward Cherlin<BR>End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR><A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR><BR><BR>------------------------------<BR><BR>Message: 2<BR>Date: Thu, 10
Apr 2008 18:11:30 -0700<BR>From: "Edward Cherlin" <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>><BR>Subject: [OLPC-Chicago] Fwd: Media Advisory: House Members Introduce<BR> Res. 1078 in support of the Global Marshall Plan<BR>To: <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A>, OLPC-Open <<A href="mailto:Olpc-open@laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:Olpc-open@laptop.org">Olpc-open@laptop.org</A>><BR>Message-ID:<BR> <<A href="mailto:e574f6eb0804101811g7d63086fo4c49c9fce7f71346@mail.gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:e574f6eb0804101811g7d63086fo4c49c9fce7f71346@mail.gmail.com">e574f6eb0804101811g7d63086fo4c49c9fce7f71346@mail.gmail.com</A>><BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8<BR><BR>Another initiative that we need to inform. Education at home and<BR>abroad is central
to this plan.<BR><BR>---------- Forwarded message ----------<BR>From: Will Pasley <<A href="mailto:Tikkun@mail.democracyinaction.org" ymailto="mailto:Tikkun@mail.democracyinaction.org">Tikkun@mail.democracyinaction.org</A>><BR>Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 4:05 PM<BR>Subject: Media Advisory: House Members Introduce Res. 1078 in support<BR>of the Global Marshall Plan<BR>To: <A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A><BR><BR>Tikkun to heal, repair and transform the world<BR><BR>A note from Rabbi Michael Lerner<BR><BR>Media Advisory: Global Marshall Plan resolution introduced in<BR>Congress-H.Res. 1078 by Congressmen Keith Ellison, Emanuel Cleaver and<BR>Jim Moran March 10, 2008<BR><BR>H.Res. 1078 calls for a return of the Marshall Plan. That plan was<BR>used by the U.S. in the post World War II years to rebuild Europe. It<BR>was celebrated as America's most successful foreign policy
program<BR>because it convinced Europeans that the U.S. was a reliable ally and<BR>friend.<BR><BR> This time, however, the target is both domestic and global. H. Res.<BR>1078 calls for the U.S. to provide enough funding to eliminate global<BR>poverty, homelessness, hunger, inadequate education, inadequate<BR>health care, and repair of the environment.<BR><BR> Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the resolution's sponsor,<BR>explained his introduction of the measure as a natural outgrowth of<BR>his concern for peace, prosperity for working families, environmental<BR>sustainability, and human rights.<BR><BR> "I believe a Global Marshall Plan offers a compelling framework for<BR>the Congress to consider reform and revitalization of our<BR>international public diplomacy and foreign aid," Ellison said.<BR>"America is at its best when it demonstrates its generosity.<BR><BR>"When we see reminders everywhere of the costs of spending
$12<BR>billion per month on war in Iraq, I look forward to the conversations<BR>about changes in principles and priorities that this resolution will<BR>bring," Ellison concluded.<BR><BR> "At a moment when General Petraeus is asking for another $110<BR>billion for a deeply unpopular war, the Global Marshall Plan provides<BR>an alternative strategy for homeland security," said Rabbi Michael<BR>Lerner, editor of Tikkun and chair of the Network of Spiritual<BR>Progressives, an organization that developed the Global Marshall Plan<BR>and which will now be launching a nationwide campaign to get the<BR>presidential candidates to support the idea.<BR><BR>"In the 21st century," Rabbi Lerner pointed out, "our security and<BR>well-being depend on the well-being of everyone else on this planet,<BR>and on the well-being of the planet itself."<BR><BR>"Our caring for all people can be manifested through a Global<BR>Marshall Plan that would dedicate 1-2% of
our annual Gross Domestic<BR>Product each year for the next twenty years to eliminate once and for<BR>all domestic and global poverty, homelessness, hunger, inadequate<BR>education, and inadequate health care and to repair damage done to the<BR>environment."<BR><BR>Such a program needs the participation of the other advanced<BR>industrial countries and the recipient countries' most talented<BR>leaders, as well as local communities representing the poor and<BR>outstanding figures in the ethical, cultural, religious and non-profit<BR>sectors of the relevant societies who can ensure the best use of the<BR>resources, as well as to ensure that the monies are used in<BR>environmentally sustainable and culturally sensitive ways, and to<BR>guarantee that the monies are not siphoned off by governments or local<BR>elites but actually reach the people in need. This program, initiated<BR>by the Network of Spiritual Progressives also calls for amending
all<BR>existing and future trade agreements to ensure that they serve the<BR>economic well-being of the poor and not just the interests of the<BR>wealthy nations or local elites in countries with high levels of<BR>poverty. We want the United States to take the leadership in starting<BR>this effort.<BR><BR>"We approach this initiative with a spirit of humility," said Rabbi<BR>Lerner, "not only because of the legacy of colonialism, but because we<BR>can learn much from societies whose economic poverty does not signify<BR>a poverty of wisdom. Generosity of spirit as well as financial<BR>generosity are an integral part of our Global Marshall Plan, which we<BR>affirm not only because it is a central component in any plan to<BR>achieve "homeland security," but also because it reflects our<BR>commitment to recognize every human being on this planet as equally<BR>valuable and deserving of care." HR 1078 expresses the need for a<BR>similar humility in
delivering support for the world's poor.<BR><BR><BR>Rabbi Lerner has called upon religious liberals and progressives<BR>(what the media calls "the Religious Left") to call their<BR>Congressional representatives to explain why they should support the<BR>ideas behind the Global Marshall Plan.<BR><BR>The full text of H.Res. 1078 is available through the website of<BR>Congressman Keith Ellison, <A href="http://ellison.house.gov/" target=_blank>http://ellison.house.gov</A>, and further<BR>comment can be obtained by calling 202-225-4755. Congressmen<BR>Ellison, Cleaver and Moran are all available for interviews on this<BR>topic. Rabbi Michael Lerner, who is directing the Network of Spiritual<BR>Progressives' nation-wide campaign for the Global Marshall Plan, is<BR>also available for interviews. Call 1 510 644 1200 during business<BR>hours Pacific Daylight Time. Or by email: His scheduler Will Pasley:<BR><A href="mailto:Will@Tikkun.org"
ymailto="mailto:Will@Tikkun.org">Will@Tikkun.org</A>. You can also email <A href="mailto:RabbiLerner@Tikkun.org" ymailto="mailto:RabbiLerner@Tikkun.org">RabbiLerner@Tikkun.org</A> for media<BR>interviews, and David Hart for information about how churches,<BR>synagogues, mosques, ashrams, colleges, NGOs, civic organizations,<BR>social change movements, professional organizations and elected<BR>officials can be involved in this campaign:<BR><A href="mailto:David@SpiritualProgressives.org" ymailto="mailto:David@SpiritualProgressives.org">David@SpiritualProgressives.org</A>. And you can endorse the GMP on line<BR>at www.tikkun.org (left-hand column) or read the full version at that<BR>same website, by clicking the GMP button in the Current Thinking<BR>section of the Home Page.<BR><BR><BR>________________________________<BR>web: www.tikkun.org<BR>email: <A href="mailto:info@spiritualprogressives.org"
ymailto="mailto:info@spiritualprogressives.org">info@spiritualprogressives.org</A><BR>Click here to stop receiving future emails<BR>________________________________<BR><BR>Copyright (c) 2008 Network of Spiritual Progressives(R).<BR>2342 Shattuck Avenue, #1200<BR>Berkeley, CA 94704<BR>510-644-1200 Fax 510-644-1255<BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>Edward Cherlin<BR>End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR><A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR><BR><BR>------------------------------<BR><BR>Message: 3<BR>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 19:24:36 -0700<BR>From: "kayiwa fred" <<A href="mailto:kayiwafred@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:kayiwafred@gmail.com">kayiwafred@gmail.com</A>><BR>Subject: Re: [OLPC-Chicago] OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12<BR>To: <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org"
ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>Message-ID:<BR> <<A href="mailto:c41ef2cc0804101924n7e574559pb71697b249fa2b2e@mail.gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:c41ef2cc0804101924n7e574559pb71697b249fa2b2e@mail.gmail.com">c41ef2cc0804101924n7e574559pb71697b249fa2b2e@mail.gmail.com</A>><BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<BR><BR>Hi Edward and all yes i can see and read the way forward to the laptop<BR>developments in Illinois<BR>writing to the senate involves even those outside USA? to vote for?<BR><BR>On 10/04/2008, <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org</A><BR><<A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org</A>> wrote:<BR>> Send OLPC-Chicago mailing list submissions
to<BR>> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>><BR>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<BR>> <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago</A><BR>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<BR>> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-request@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>><BR>> You can reach the person managing the list at<BR>> <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago-owner@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>><BR>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<BR>> than "Re:
Contents of OLPC-Chicago digest..."<BR>><BR>><BR>> Today's Topics:<BR>><BR>> 1. The Children's Low-cost Laptop Act passes the Illinois House!<BR>> (Larry Langellier)<BR>> 2. Re: The Children's Low-cost Laptop Act passes the Illinois<BR>> House! (Edward Cherlin)<BR>><BR>><BR>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>><BR>> Message: 1<BR>> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 16:05:33 +0000<BR>> From: Larry Langellier <<A href="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com" ymailto="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com">llangellier@hotmail.com</A>><BR>> Subject: [OLPC-Chicago] The Children's Low-cost Laptop Act passes the<BR>> Illinois House!<BR>> To: <<A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org"
ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A>><BR>> Cc: <A href="mailto:swoodard@showingtime.com" ymailto="mailto:swoodard@showingtime.com">swoodard@showingtime.com</A>, <A href="mailto:fhoch@illinoistech.org" ymailto="mailto:fhoch@illinoistech.org">fhoch@illinoistech.org</A><BR>> Message-ID: <<A href="mailto:BAY124-W238AB1066EBEE4CD9135E1BCED0@phx.gbl" ymailto="mailto:BAY124-W238AB1066EBEE4CD9135E1BCED0@phx.gbl">BAY124-W238AB1066EBEE4CD9135E1BCED0@phx.gbl</A>><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"<BR>><BR>><BR>> House Bill 5000, The Children?s Low-cost Laptop Act, passed unanimously<BR>> (110-0) through the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday! It now<BR>> needs a strong push to move through the Senate. Please email me if you would<BR>> like an information sheet on the bill - it is too large to send through the<BR>> olpc-chicago listserve.<BR>><BR>>
Huge thanks to all 9 of the bill's House Sponsors:<BR>><BR>> Cynthia Soto (D-Chicago)<BR>> Constance A. Howard (D-Chicago)<BR>> LaShawn K. Ford (D-Chicago)<BR>> Ruth Munson (R-Elgin)<BR>> Jack D. Franks (D-Woodstock)<BR>> Patrick J Verschoore (D-Rock Island)<BR>> Karen A. Yarbrough (D-Broadview)<BR>> Elizabeth Hernandez (D-Cicero)<BR>> Esther Golar (D-Chicago)<BR>><BR>> Now, to the Senate.<BR>><BR>> List of 59 IL State Senators: <A href="http://www.ilga.gov/senate/" target=_blank>http://www.ilga.gov/senate/</A><BR>><BR>> Identify *your* Senator:<BR>> <A href="http://www.elections.illinois.gov/districtlocator/SelectSearchType.aspx" target=_blank>http://www.elections.illinois.gov/districtlocator/SelectSearchType.aspx</A><BR>><BR>> Email your Senator:<BR>> <A href="http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2007/08/heres-where-to-.html"
target=_blank>http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2007/08/heres-where-to-.html</A><BR>><BR>> --------------------------------<BR>> ***HOW YOU CAN HELP -- BELOW***<BR>> --------------------------------<BR>> Here's a template you can use to write State Senators. Modify it to suit<BR>> your style. :) I also urge you to call their office and encourage them to<BR>> sign on as co-sponsors when they have the chance.<BR>><BR>> Dear Senator _____________,<BR>><BR>> I believe that laptop computers can help improve, and maybe even transform,<BR>> elementary school education in Illinois.<BR>><BR>> When you have the chance to vote on the Illinois Children's Low-cost Laptop<BR>> Act (House Bill 5000), I hope you will think about the kids in our<BR>> community, whose future social, economic and educational opportunities will<BR>> be tied to their command of technology.<BR>><BR>> The Children's
Low Cost Laptop Act calls on the Illinois State Board of<BR>> Education to administer a pilot project that would allow up to 300<BR>> elementary schools in Illinois to receive grant funding for low-cost (under<BR>> $400) laptops. Support for professional development (teacher training),<BR>> school building readiness and laptop repair are accounted for in the bill.<BR>> Elementary schools like ______________________________ in our community<BR>> could benefit if this bill becomes law.<BR>><BR>> But make no mistake. I know that laptops alone will not fix all the problems<BR>> in our schools.<BR>><BR>> The fundamentals -- reading, writing, math, history, science, art and music,<BR>> too -- can all be learned and reinforced with computer technology. We must<BR>> make it a priority in Illinois to produce a generation of young people who<BR>> can compete with kids in other states and other parts of the globe.
House<BR>> Bill 5000 is a real step in this direction. Thank you for considering my<BR>> letter, and for your work on behalf of the people of ________________.<BR>><BR>> Sincerely,<BR>><BR>> YOUR NAME<BR>> YOUR ADDRESS<BR>> YOUR PHONE NUMBER<BR>> YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS<BR>><BR>> _________________________________________________________________<BR>> Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.<BR>> <A href="http://green.msn.com/galleries/photos/photos.aspx?gid=164&ocid=T003MSN51N1653A" target=_blank>http://green.msn.com/galleries/photos/photos.aspx?gid=164&ocid=T003MSN51N1653A</A><BR>> -------------- next part --------------<BR>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<BR>> URL:<BR>> <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-chicago/attachments/20080409/7b135fde/attachment-0001.htm"
target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-chicago/attachments/20080409/7b135fde/attachment-0001.htm</A><BR>><BR>> ------------------------------<BR>><BR>> Message: 2<BR>> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 12:52:56 -0700<BR>> From: "Edward Cherlin" <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>><BR>> Subject: Re: [OLPC-Chicago] The Children's Low-cost Laptop Act passes<BR>> the Illinois House!<BR>> To: "Larry Langellier" <<A href="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com" ymailto="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com">llangellier@hotmail.com</A>><BR>> Cc: <A href="mailto:swoodard@showingtime.com" ymailto="mailto:swoodard@showingtime.com">swoodard@showingtime.com</A>, <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A>,<BR>> <A
href="mailto:fhoch@illinoistech.org" ymailto="mailto:fhoch@illinoistech.org">fhoch@illinoistech.org</A><BR>> Message-ID:<BR>> <<A href="mailto:e574f6eb0804091252w5dc07d59v4bb8ff2fa5996162@mail.gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:e574f6eb0804091252w5dc07d59v4bb8ff2fa5996162@mail.gmail.com">e574f6eb0804091252w5dc07d59v4bb8ff2fa5996162@mail.gmail.com</A>><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8<BR>><BR>> On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Larry Langellier<BR>> <<A href="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com" ymailto="mailto:llangellier@hotmail.com">llangellier@hotmail.com</A>> wrote:<BR>> > House Bill 5000, The Children's Low-cost Laptop Act, passed unanimously<BR>> > (110-0) through the Illinois House of Representatives yesterday! It now<BR>> > needs a strong push to move through the Senate. Please email me if you<BR>> would<BR>> > like an information sheet on the bill - it is too large to send
through<BR>> the<BR>> > olpc-chicago listserve.<BR>><BR>> I have made a page for Illinois on the laptop Wiki.<BR>><BR>> > Huge thanks to all 9 of the bill's House Sponsors:<BR>><BR>> I put links to the sponsors in the Wiki also.<BR>><BR>> > Cynthia Soto (D-Chicago)<BR>> ><BR>> > Constance A. Howard (D-Chicago)<BR>> ><BR>> > LaShawn K. Ford (D-Chicago)<BR>> ><BR>> > Ruth Munson (R-Elgin)<BR>> ><BR>> > Jack D. Franks (D-Woodstock)<BR>> ><BR>> > Patrick J Verschoore (D-Rock Island)<BR>> ><BR>> > Karen A. Yarbrough (D-Broadview)<BR>> ><BR>> > Elizabeth Hernandez (D-Cicero)<BR>> ><BR>> > Esther Golar (D-Chicago)<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > Now, to the Senate.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > List of 59 IL State Senators: <A href="http://www.ilga.gov/senate/"
target=_blank>http://www.ilga.gov/senate/</A><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > Identify *your* Senator:<BR>> ><BR>> > <A href="http://www.elections.illinois.gov/districtlocator/SelectSearchType.aspx" target=_blank>http://www.elections.illinois.gov/districtlocator/SelectSearchType.aspx</A><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > Email your Senator:<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> <A href="http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2007/08/heres-where-to-.html" target=_blank>http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2007/08/heres-where-to-.html</A><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > --------------------------------<BR>> ><BR>> > ***HOW YOU CAN HELP -- BELOW***<BR>> ><BR>> > --------------------------------<BR>> ><BR>> > Here's a template you can use to write State Senators. Modify it to suit<BR>> > your style. :) I also urge you
to call their office and encourage them to<BR>> > sign on as co-sponsors when they have the chance.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > Dear Senator _____________,<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > I believe that laptop computers can help improve, and maybe even<BR>> transform,<BR>> > elementary school education in Illinois.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > When you have the chance to vote on the Illinois Children's Low-cost<BR>> Laptop<BR>> > Act (House Bill 5000), I hope you will think about the kids in our<BR>> > community, whose future social, economic and educational opportunities<BR>> will<BR>> > be tied to their command of technology.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > The Children's Low Cost Laptop Act calls on the Illinois State Board of<BR>> > Education to administer a pilot project that would allow up to 300<BR>> >
elementary schools in Illinois to receive grant funding for low-cost<BR>> (under<BR>> > $400) laptops. Support for professional development (teacher training),<BR>> > school building readiness and laptop repair are accounted for in the bill.<BR>> > Elementary schools like ______________________________ in our community<BR>> > could benefit if this bill becomes law.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > But make no mistake. I know that laptops alone will not fix all the<BR>> problems<BR>> > in our schools.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > The fundamentals -- reading, writing, math, history, science, art and<BR>> music,<BR>> > too -- can all be learned and reinforced with computer technology. We must<BR>> > make it a priority in Illinois to produce a generation of young people who<BR>> > can compete with kids in other states and other parts of the globe.
House<BR>> > Bill 5000 is a real step in this direction. Thank you for considering my<BR>> > letter, and for your work on behalf of the people of ________________.<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > Sincerely,<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > YOUR NAME<BR>> ><BR>> > YOUR ADDRESS<BR>> ><BR>> > YOUR PHONE NUMBER<BR>> ><BR>> > YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > ________________________________<BR>> > Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.<BR>> > _______________________________________________<BR>> > OLPC-Chicago mailing list<BR>> > <A href="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org">OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>> > <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago</A><BR>>
><BR>> ><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>> --<BR>> Edward Cherlin<BR>> End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR>> <A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR>><BR>><BR>> ------------------------------<BR>><BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> OLPC-Chicago mailing list<BR>> <A href="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org">OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>> <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago</A><BR>><BR>><BR>> End of OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12<BR>> *******************************************<BR>><BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>kayiwa fred<BR>OneReaching Another<BR>p.o.box 3490<BR>kampala
uganda<BR>+256782371003<BR><BR><BR>------------------------------<BR><BR>Message: 4<BR>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 22:10:45 -0700<BR>From: "Edward Cherlin" <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>><BR>Subject: Re: [OLPC-Chicago] [OLPC library] Lieutenant Governor Pat<BR> Quinn on HB5000<BR>To: "Yoshiki Ohshima" <<A href="mailto:yoshiki@vpri.org" ymailto="mailto:yoshiki@vpri.org">yoshiki@vpri.org</A>><BR>Cc: OLPC Library list <<A href="mailto:library@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:library@lists.laptop.org">library@lists.laptop.org</A>>, OLPC Devel<BR> <<A href="mailto:Devel@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:Devel@lists.laptop.org">Devel@lists.laptop.org</A>>, <A href="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org">olpc-chicago@lists.laptop.org</A>,
OLPC-Open<BR> <<A href="mailto:Olpc-open@laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:Olpc-open@laptop.org">Olpc-open@laptop.org</A>><BR>Message-ID:<BR> <<A href="mailto:e574f6eb0804102210s4e60a384mb083cdde8d5b0060@mail.gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:e574f6eb0804102210s4e60a384mb083cdde8d5b0060@mail.gmail.com">e574f6eb0804102210s4e60a384mb083cdde8d5b0060@mail.gmail.com</A>><BR>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8<BR><BR>On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Yoshiki Ohshima <<A href="mailto:yoshiki@vpri.org" ymailto="mailto:yoshiki@vpri.org">yoshiki@vpri.org</A>> wrote:<BR>> There was been strong Etoys experiment going in Illinois, especially<BR>> at Columbia College and UIUC.<BR><BR>Excellent. Can you point us to some groups or individuals, or<BR>published documents, or whatever?<BR><BR>> I don't know how much olpc-chicago<BR>> overlaps with that group, but it would be nice to be able to say
that<BR>> "we already have been doing the test of (a part of) software long time<BR>> in the state."<BR><BR>Indeed. Thanks.<BR><BR>> -- Yoshiki<BR>><BR>> At Tue, 8 Apr 2008 20:42:36 -0700,<BR>><BR>><BR>> Edward Cherlin wrote:<BR>> ><BR>> > On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn<BR>> > <<A href="mailto:jquinn@cs.oberlin.edu" ymailto="mailto:jquinn@cs.oberlin.edu">jquinn@cs.oberlin.edu</A>> wrote:<BR>> > > This is fascinating. I would say that the first triaging you should do to<BR>> > > make this a reality for September is to reduce the number of grade levels<BR>> > > you target to an absolute minimum. More than 3 would be crazy, two is<BR>> > > better.<BR>> ><BR>> > This is presently set up to be the choice of the schools or school<BR>> > districts. But we
can of course inform them of the resources currently<BR>> > available, and what might become available.<BR>> ><BR>> > > Possibilities:<BR>> > > 6/7: pros: 2/3 of the students in a junior high, yet you can count on<BR>> > > having most of them there for 2 or 3 years. cons: late grade = lots of<BR>> > > testing; jealous 8th graders.<BR>> > ><BR>> > > 3/4 or 4/5 : good ages, but not good saturation.<BR>> > ><BR>> > > 3/6 : good variety, more logistics.<BR>> > ><BR>> > > Once you decide this, a lot more will follow.<BR>> ><BR>> > I want to do K-2. The laptop works well for illiterate users. It has a<BR>> > minimum of text and a maximum of icons in the Sugar User Interface,<BR>> > and we will have literacy software built in. I also
want to do 3-5,<BR>> > the ages where we know we can have the maximum impact with programming<BR>> > in Smalltalk. We will have to have the whole discussion, and not try<BR>> > to optimize beforehand.<BR>> ><BR>> > "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."--Donald Knuth,<BR>> > quoting C. A. R. Hoare<BR>> ><BR>> > > Also I had a link for you: <A href="http://www.ck12.org/" target=_blank>http://www.ck12.org/</A> <-- just starting up but has<BR>> > > some funding and possibly an inside track to getting more, trying to make<BR>> > > open-source textbooks attractive to public schools, worth giving them a call<BR>> > > to see if they are interested in (ready to) collaborating with you. Illinois<BR>> > > would definitely be a feather in their cap. You need all the help you can<BR>>
> > get with can get with content.<BR>> ><BR>> > Excellent. They are just up the road from me. I'll go see them right away.<BR>> ><BR>> > > Good luck!<BR>> > ><BR>> > > Jameson<BR>> > ><BR>> > ><BR>> > ><BR>> > > On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Edward Cherlin <<A href="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com" ymailto="mailto:echerlin@gmail.com">echerlin@gmail.com</A>> wrote:<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > ><BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > I talked with Ryan Croke of Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn's<BR>> > > > office today. They are keen on this project, and would like to arrange<BR>> > > > for us to assist in getting the program designed for the best possible<BR>> > > > outcome. HB5000 is moving rapidly
through the House, and will then go<BR>> > > > to the Senate, which is likely to turn it over to the Education<BR>> > > > Committee for public hearings. We should organize to bring our XOs and<BR>> > > > our children to Springfield for the hearings.<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > Among the questions:<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > Schools will be allowed to choose from among the available laptops.<BR>> > > > The program should capture the differences in outcomes between schools<BR>> > > > using different hardware and software, using appropriate measures LG<BR>> > > > Quinn's office agrees. Nicholas Negroponte is strongly opposed to<BR>> > > > "bake-offs", but the world doesn't work the way he wants.<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > We need to work with
the legislature, the Education authority, and<BR>> > > > with schools on appropriate integration of laptops into curricula, and<BR>> > > > provide at least draft versions of electronic textbooks on all<BR>> > > > requested subjects. Much of what we want to do has yet to be designed.<BR>> > > > In fact, the software that we want to build the textbooks on has in<BR>> > > > some major cases yet to be designed. How much can we promise for the<BR>> > > > start of the next school year in September? That depends very strongly<BR>> > > > on who steps up to do it.<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > It is very important in pilot projects to do good experimental design<BR>> > > > before hand so that the results contain usable information, not merely<BR>> > > > data. We need to talk
to people who know something about these issues,<BR>> > > > who also understand what we are trying to measure.<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > What training can be put together for the summer before? We need to<BR>> > > > demonstrate the meaning and value of learning by doing through<BR>> > > > collaborative discovery, aka Constructionism. Then we need to provide<BR>> > > > the toolkit for teachers to apply it, and provide feedback mechanisms<BR>> > > > so that their experience and insights steadily improve the process.<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > This program requires dedicated resources, and management, on our side<BR>> > > > and several others. That means that we need to look for funding.<BR>> > > > Anybody know a good grant writer?<BR>> > >
><BR>> > > > No Child Left Behind creates perverse incentives that can interfere<BR>> > > > with the program. Can we get waivers from the Federal Government for<BR>> > > > the trials?<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > --<BR>> > > ><BR>> > > ><BR>> > > ><BR>> > > > Edward Cherlin<BR>> > > > End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR>> > > > <A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>> > > > "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR>> > > > _______________________________________________<BR>> > > > Library mailing list<BR>> > > > <A href="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org"
ymailto="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org">Library@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>> > > > <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library</A><BR>> > > ><BR>> > ><BR>> > ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> ><BR>> > --<BR>> > Edward Cherlin<BR>> > End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR>> > <A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>> > "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR>> > _______________________________________________<BR>> > Library mailing list<BR>> > <A href="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org">Library@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>> > <A
href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library</A><BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> Library mailing list<BR>> <A href="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org" ymailto="mailto:Library@lists.laptop.org">Library@lists.laptop.org</A><BR>> <A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/library</A><BR>><BR><BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>Edward Cherlin<BR>End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business<BR><A href="http://www.earthtreasury.org/" target=_blank>http://www.EarthTreasury.org/</A><BR>"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay<BR><BR><BR>------------------------------<BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>OLPC-Chicago mailing list<BR><A href="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org"
ymailto="mailto:OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org">OLPC-Chicago@lists.laptop.org</A><BR><A href="http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago" target=_blank>http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-chicago</A><BR><BR><BR>End of OLPC-Chicago Digest, Vol 9, Issue 13<BR>*******************************************<BR></DIV><BR></DIV></div></body></html>