[OLPC-Chicago] ILXO - Announcing Workshops!

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Thu Jun 26 18:36:12 EDT 2008

In order to connect to the IRC channel (the online chatroom where we'll 
be hanging out throughout the summer), you can...

* Use your existing IRC client (if you have one) and go to 
irc.freenode.net in the #ilxo channel
* Use a web-based solution like Mibbit - http://www.mibbit.com/ (make 
your nick(name) whatever you want, and your channel should be #ilxo)
* Get an IRC client - see 
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IRC#How_to_use_irc_channels, or do a web 
search for 'IRC getting started' to turn up a ton of links.

Note that the #olpc and #olpc-help channels are also fun places to hang 
out - and give us a ping if you get stuck! IRC can sometimes be 
confusing to newcomers (it's a little different from other messaging 
services like Jabber or AIM), but it's a great place to collaborate and 
have conversations once you get the hang of it.

See you online!

-Mel & the crew

Andrea Lai wrote:
> ILXO (your friendly neighborhood grassroots office) is offering up a 
> variety of workshops while we're in town this summer. Some topics we'll 
> be covering range from an introduction to the XO and grassroots 
> communications to photography and music composition.
> Tomorrow (Friday, June 27), we'll be running XO-101 as a webcast from 
> 3-5 pm. It is intended to provide an overview of the activities bundled 
> with the XO, as well as the basics of finding and downloading new 
> content. We'll also be exploring its capacity for collaboration. 
> Broadcast information will be posted closer to air time on the irc 
> channel "ilxo".
> Our first in-office workshop will be "How to Run a Jam" - Wednesday, 
> July 9, 6-8 pm - in preparation for Game Jam Chicago. 
> (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Game_Jam_Chicago) What better way to learn 
> than to throw yourself right in?
> Take a look at our full workshop offerings and schedule here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/ILXO/workshops
> They'll be running weekly until August 13th.
> If you'd like to propose, host, or help run a workshop, please don't 
> hesitate to email us at office at ilxo.org <mailto:office at ilxo.org>!
> Thanks,
> Andrea
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