[OLPC.ch] CREAN Conference 2018

Michael Lew levstudio at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 11:54:27 EST 2018

Dear friends of OLPC (Switzerland),

Next week, on January 18-19, will be held in Geneva the
bi-annual conference of the Children's Rights European
Academic Network (CREAN), which aims to further enhance
the academic field of children's rights as an interdisciplinary
field of studies.

As the Geneva-based co-chairman of our association, I
was supposed to attend this event, but will be unable to.

Therefore I was wondering if there was anyone from our
network, living in Switzerland or nearby, who was willing
to attend this 2-day conference, in the name of OLPC.

Attending the event is free of charge (as far as I know)
but requires registration : http://crean-network.org/

Please let me know if you plan to attend, so that I can
give you the lowdown about what we have been up to,
and so that you can write a report for us (or an article
for our wiki, future web site or future newsletter...).

Best wishes for 2018 to everyone !


Michael Lew
Co-Chairman, One Laptop Per Child (Switzerland)
one.laptop.org - wiki.laptop.org - olpc.ch

bureau : +41 22 347 09 40
mobile : +41 78 696 97 94
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