[OLPC.ch] Invitation to the General Assembly 2017

Michael Lew levstudio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 17:07:38 EST 2017

Dear members, volunteers and friends of OLPC (Switzerland),

We are happy to invite you to our next General Assembly which will take
place on Thursday December 21 2017 in Geneva (Salle Albert Jacquard, Maison
des Associations, 15 rue des Savoises, 1205 Genève) at 18:30.
After the assembly we will eat something together (for those who have time).

The Agenda is :

1. Welcome and Adoption of the Agenda
2. Approval of the Minutes of the GA 2016
3. Annual report 2017
4. Financial statement and auditors report 2017
5. Budget 2018
6. Revision of the Statutes
7. Elections of the Committee Members
8. Activities and Projects 2018
9. Interactions with other child rights organisations
9. Varia

Please send suggestions and topics of discussion to me or to the mailing
list before December 6th.
It will be the first day of winter !

New members are welcome.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Lew
Co-Chairman of OLPC (Switzerland)
michael at olpc.ch
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