[OLPC.ch] Lausanne May 14 Scratch Day @ EPFL

Michael Vorburger mike at vorburger.ch
Mon Mar 21 07:04:33 EDT 2016

Hello again old friends of OLPC.ch,

FYI see http://scratchday.ch &
I'm organizing an intro. to Scratch event at EPFL in Lausanne on May 14,
the Scratch Day (http://day.scratch.mit.edu).

We're hoping to hit about 100 participants in 4 sessions that Saturday.
Registrations are going very well. But I could still do with a few extra
"mentors" to be present during the day - perhaps one of you reading this
here is interested in giving us a hand and join us on May 14th at EPFL in

Michael Vorburger
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