[OLPC.ch] Meeting in Berne : Mai /June 08

Michele Notari Michele.Notari at phbern.ch
Thu Mar 27 04:31:04 EDT 2008

Ciao a tutti


After the stormy voice and chat hour and the good minutes (thanks
Felix), let's go for an ordinary 'face to face - meeting' ... in Berne,
where everything seems to run a little slower.


I made some proposition on Moodle:


Please fill in all the days you can join the meeting.

Please fill in the dates until April 6.th!

Please follow the link:



The final conference date will be published by Mailing-list on April 7


See you in Berne!


What well be discussed:

-          How far with the IBM-found-raising?

-          What happened with the  database

-          Contacts with SECO and DEZA?

-          XO's?

-          ....



More detailed Schedule, will follow..



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