[OLPC.ch] Phone Conference of tonight 07:00 (Swiss time)

Michele Notari Michele.Notari at phbern.ch
Wed Mar 26 08:09:02 EDT 2008

Dear participants

I tried to test Skype and had some problems with the public chat.. 

After a short call with Michael Vorburger we decided to do it on the 'normal skype way'.


To do so you have to:

-          Add micheleno (this is my skype nickname' to your buddy list.

-          Once I see you on my buddy list I can invite you to the conference. 

-          There you will also have access to the chat we use.


Could you add you to my buddy list a bit before of 7pm (I think we will have enough other problems to solve then.


At the moment the following persons are in my buddy list (skype-name):

-          beat.doebeli

-          mike_vorburger

-          rainer.fischer.zofingen

-          ybuettner

-          metasj               (Samuel Klein)



-          Susanne Triener

-          Mala

-          Lorenz

-          François

-          Philippe

-          Felix


If you do not have a skype accout please create one and add micheleno to your buddy list.


I'm looking forward to the conference







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