[OLPC.ch] Offline Mediawiki

Felix Rabe public at felixrabe.textdriven.com
Sat Mar 22 11:26:45 EDT 2008

Ok, I'm a bit behind on OLPC news currently, but reading up...

Regarding the talk with the http://www.tntnet.org/ guy at openexpo.ch
Berne, I found this to be related: (citation)


19. Google Gears: SJ spoke to Othman Laraki and Ben Lisbakken of the
Google Gears project and with Zvi Boshernitzan of Kiva, who are all
working on making Gears a tool for offline mediawiki browsing. They
offered help getting Gears integrated into the Browse activity and
noted that a patch to make Gears work with FF3-minus-extensions has
already been submitted (for use on a mobile platform) so most of the
work has been done. Ben will follow up with people working on Browse,
and will offer a userspace demo for Wikipedia users, as prelude to
getting offline-reader hooks into MediaWiki proper.

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