[OLPC.ch] How can I change the language in German
Hofmann Martin PHSG
Martin.Hofmann at phsg.ch
Thu Jun 5 07:12:58 EDT 2008
How and where can I change the language on the XO; I need the German language. Thanks for your reply.
Regards Martin
P please consider the environment -
do you really need to print this email?
Prof. lic. phil. Martin Hofmann
Leiter Kompetenzzentrum Bildungsinformatik
und Medienpädagogik (ICT-Zentrum)
Office +41(0)71 845 13 76
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Mail martin.hofmann at phsg.ch<mailto:martin.hofmann at phsg.ch>
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Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St.Gallen, Seminarstrasse 27, CH-9400 Rorschach
Telefon +41(0)71 844 18 18, info at phsg.ch<mailto:info at phsg.ch>, www.phsg.ch<http://www.phsg.ch/>
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