[OLPC.ch] Meeting in Bern on June 4 th

Michele Notari Michele.Notari at phbern.ch
Thu Jun 5 03:23:08 EDT 2008


First of all thanks to all participants of yesterday's meeting!!

12 Persons joined the meeting and we had very interesting discussions about what OLPC-Ch will be and do in future..


A ultra-short summary:

OLPC-ch will be represented on several meetings:

·         Tag der Informatik (Technopark ZH):  August 29.th by Beat, Michi, Niklaus, Michele, Beat Curavi (please do not forget to ask OLPC-DE for the 30 X0's)

·         SFIB-Fachtagung: September 9th  (Uni Bern )by Beat, Niklaus, Michele

·         Open Expo (Winthertur): 24.-25. September: Niklaus, Urs Lerch

Please feel free to help us organizing the meetings -> Contact Michele

The persons mentioned above are responsible for the organization of the event: We all decided to spread a specific message, to rise founds for our pilot Project, to get teacher involved, to spread our idea of 'recycled software'.


Michi Vorburger will organize and order a certain amount of X0's. If you want some (minimal request 10 X0 per person) contact Michi through the mailing-list. Martin Hofmann and Niklaus are willed to order some. (It would be nice to get together 100 or more X0's).


Urs Lerch will set up a Wiki site where he wants to adopt  'old' 'software' for the X0. He will contact the owner of the software to get not only the licence but also the code, in order to adopt it for the XO operating system.


During dinner I was asked to publish the url of the Ethiopia Implementation report: http://www.eduvision.ch/en/meta/documents/ethiopiareport_080227a-mh.pdf 

Maybe another interesting url could be a newsreader 'Site' I set up with all feeds of: OLPC-News, OLPC-ch Mailing list news;  OLPC-User News;  sugar-labs news and all my 'social bookmars' concerning OLPC: http://www.netvibes.com/michele#OLPC-CH 


Biorn; could you send the minutes of the meeting of yesterday or even better, could you publish it on our official website: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Switzerland? 


Thanks again to all..







Michele Notari

Dozent für neue Medien



Institut für Sekundarstufe I

Gertrud-Woker-Strasse 5

3012 Bern


Mail: michele.notari at phbern.ch

Tel: +4131 309 24 55


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