[OLPC.ch] Meeting in croatia in September

Michele Notari Michele.Notari at phbern.ch
Mon Jul 7 09:38:28 EDT 2008


OLPC-ch persons which are interested in meeting people from OLPC-Europe
in Croatia please reply to this mail! The dates are not jet fixed; the
meeting will be on a weekend propably..


Formulating common goals 

Creating the second wave of OLPC... 



We are looking for 

Pedagogues - Technicians - Business-men  and women...


Here a copy from Kristijan from Croatia:


I'm still working on finding some nice place for camping or hostel near
coast so we could stay there. I think I might come up with something
this week. I've been busy lately (Work) so I couldn't do more but also
folks from Germany have interest to come. The problem is in coordinating
time...some folks cannot come through the summer but I think we
shouldn't waste too much time because we have already lost too much.
Others will catch up.

Ok so tell me how many of you from Austria would attend and how many
from Swiss. Any other country? It would be much easier for me to rent
something in that case because I will know a number of people who is




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