[OLPC.ch] Meeting in Berne on Wednesday 4 th May! time 17:15

Michele Notari Michele.Notari at phbern.ch
Thu Apr 10 03:35:49 EDT 2008

Hi all

Finally 7 members of OLPC-ch found a date to meet in Berne.

We will meet on


Wednesday, 4th  may on 17:00 


Meeting place: 

Gertrud-Woker-Strasse 5

30012 Bern


2.Floor, room 206 or 207


Further information about content of the meeting will follow. 

If you have subjects you wish to discuss please let me now. 


After the meeting we will go for a quick dinner if you wish.







Michele Notari

Dozent für neue Medien



Institut für Sekundarstufe I

Gertrud-Woker-Strasse 5

3012 Bern


Mail: michele.notari at phbern.ch

Tel: +4131 309 24 55


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