[OLPC-AU] Some XS-AU stuff to test.

Jerry Vonau jvonau at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 22 19:45:28 EDT 2010

Hi List:

In the past while I've been busy producing the single interface version
of the XS-server dubbed XS-AU by Sridhar. The latest in this theme is a
re-roll of the installation iso with all the latest rpms, including a
fix for anaconda's usb race, with some matching kickstart files and a
revised mkusbinstall. These are all meant to be used as a matching set
with only the local.cfg and part.cfg files needing to be user edited
before use. You can grab the iso and mkusbinstall from:


Download the iso and mkusbinstall-F12forXSAU. then all on one line:

sudo ./mkusbinstall-F12forXSAU --getkickstart <somepath>/"OLPC School
Server-0.6.1-i386.iso" /dev/sdXX 

You need net access to retrieve the kickstart files, once complete you
need to edit local.cfg on the flashdrive. In your editor un-comment one
of the network lines and replace the $VARS with real info, and ensure
that $DOMAIN is replaced in the %post part below. The password and
timezone are optional, you will be prompted during the install if not
present in the file. XO backup are disabled by default on the XS to
enable them comment out the mv command. sample:

# If you want a text based install 

# If you want a fully automated install, take interactive out and 
# set the next two. The install will only stop at finding the kickstart 
# file and to reboot when done.

#timezone --utc America/Winnipeg

# now set the network, replace the $VARS with real info. 
network --hostname=schoolserver.vonau.ca --device=eth0 --bootproto=dhcp 
#network --hostname=schoolserver.$DOMAIN --ip=$IP --netmask=$NETMASK \
--gateway=$GATEWAY --nameserver=$DNS1 --device=eth0 --bootproto=static
/etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/domain_config vonau.ca

#disable XO backups comment out to enable backups. 
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/050-ds-backup.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/050-ds-backup.disabled


If you with to disable the auto-partitioning open up part.cfg and comment out 
all the lines, you'll be prompted for info during installation. If you wish to 
tinker with the sizing do so with care. Please don't edit ks.cfg. 

Boot the usbkey, and watch it go...  

Looking for feedback, 


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