Hello,<br><br>A new pre-alpha of Typing Turtle is available for limited preview. It sports some introductory English lessons and is ready for *initial* feedback. <br><br>Specifically I'm looking for feedback about the general program feel, plus the operation and content of the lessons.<br>
<br>Known issues include placeholder artwork, display performance, number and variety of lessons, some bugs in the instructions, and lack of any typing games.<br><br><a href="http://dev.laptop.org/~wadeb/TypingTurtle-3.xo">http://dev.laptop.org/~wadeb/TypingTurtle-3.xo</a><br>
<br>I'm still working to prepare a public alpha release in early January. If you're interested in native content, could you please provide me with a UTF-8 text dictionary for your native language, along with the locale code (e.g. en_US)? Thanks!<br>
<br>Chris, feel free to forward this to the Peru and Uraguay folks who may be interested.<br><br>Best regards,<br>Wade<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Bryan Berry <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:bryan@olenepal.org">bryan@olenepal.org</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Wade, great to hear from you.<br>
We would love to test out your activities. Our deployment team will be<br>
going out to deploy a small school next week. I will ask to try out<br>
these activities and see how the kids react.<br>
I can't emphasive enough how interested we are in the Typing Turtle<br>
program. A typing tutor program is probably the most requested program<br>
by teachers and kids.<br>
<div><div></div><div class="Wj3C7c">On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 12:33 -0500, Wade Brainerd wrote:<br>
> Hi Bryan,<br>
> I am seeking feedback about activities I am devloping from those who<br>
> are using XOs in an educational environment. I'm also interested in<br>
> helping out if there are specific, simple activities needed.<br>
> My activities:<br>
> Colors! - Natural media painting activity. Currently in alpha stage.<br>
> Includes recording and playback of individual strokes, and some sample<br>
> paintings to watch.<br>
> Finance - A simple Quicken-like activity, intended for kids, teachers<br>
> or parents. Currently pre-alpha. It could be used to handle finances<br>
> for a school club, or a small business.<br>
> Typing Turtle - An interactive touch-typing tutor with lesson and game<br>
> components. Currently pre-alpha. Note- I need native language<br>
> writers to develop lesson content for each deployment.<br>
> If you have time to review these activities or know someone who would<br>
> be willing to help me out, let me know! I'm basically just looking<br>
> for some contact with people who might actually use my software :)<br>
> Best,<br>
> Wade<br>
</div></div><font color="#888888">--<br>
Bryan W. Berry<br>
Technology Director<br>
OLE Nepal, <a href="http://www.olenepal.org" target="_blank">http://www.olenepal.org</a><br>