[Nepal] Using #olenepal to communicate

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Tue Jul 29 05:40:15 EDT 2008

Bryan Berry wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Bernie had an excellent suggestion. We should use the #olenepal at
> irc.freenode.net to chat in the office. This will make it so we don't
> have to run b/w floors as often and make our work more accessible to
> outsiders.

I'm sitting there already.  My nick is _bernie.

I offer free help to get people started with IRC!

   \___/  Bernie Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  - http://www.sugarlabs.org/
  \|_O_|  "It's an education project, not a laptop project!"

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