[Nepal] Volunteering on OLPC

Bryan Berry bryan.berry at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 08:59:12 EDT 2008

Ujjwol wrote:
>i want to volunteer how can i do that...........

Easy, you can come by the OLE Nepal office next Monday after 5 pm. 

We could really use help w/ 

1) development of activities w/ Etoys
2) make those activities use the presence service for collaboration
3) development of the e-pustakalaya, which will be available online and
4) Bernie is looking to recruit and mentor developers for sugar, and he
is incredible mentor. He teaches Sulochan and I stuff all the time.

Our office is near Sanepa Chowk

We have a # of volunteers in the office, Nepali and badeshi but have
been bad about having general community meetings. We've been working
60-70 hours/week since February and it has been hard to find time for
organizing volunteers.

I don't want to say that OLE Nepal represents OLPC in Nepal. Frankly ICT
in Education is a much bigger and broader goal and more important. Great
organizations like MPP, Save the children are also working in this area. There
is no one ICT in Education organization and that is a good thing.

the office # is 554-4441

if anyone else is interested let me know


Bryan W. Berry
Systems Engineer
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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