[Nepal] [OLPC library] OT is there a Content or Curriculum olpc email list?

Samuel Klein meta.sj at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 01:55:08 EDT 2008


If you want to start yet another list, rather than sending an email to
help at it would be better to start a few related threads here to see
whether the
conversation fits into an existing list.  People on existing lists,
including myself, would be very much interested in hearing from Bipul,
Karmana, and Dr. Bhatta -- on specific topics concerning literacy and
curriculum design, or on their experience with integrating XOs into existing
class environments, and with child-centered learning in general.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yama wrote:
> >Do any of you know if such a content or curriculum list exists and how
> >I can sign up for it?
> To my knowledge, no. But we definitely need one. I know that Bipul,
> Kamana, and Saurav from our team would be very much interested. myself
> as well.
> You can start one yourself. I believe you can just send an e-mail to
> help at laptop.org to request one.
> --
> Bryan W. Berry
> Systems Engineer
> OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org
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