Please log on to your language projects and begin reviewing and committing them. The string freeze is not scheduled until March 1st, but with the new Pootle 2.0 user interface, the message format checks are more easily reviewable than ever before and there will be many opportunities to make incremental, but substantial, improvements to the translation quality of your language's projects.<br>
<br>As many projects (PO files) will not be changing, the effort to review, improve and commit the already frozen strings (0.82 and 0.84 versions, OLPC projects, Honey PO files) will be worth the time spent even before the string freeze date.<br>
<br>I have looked at many language projects and made minor corrections based on the endwhitespace, endpunc, startwhitespace and startpunc msgfmt flags. These changes will require that the PO files be reviewed and re-committed before they are made available via the software repo.<br>