[Localization] Pootle registrations under attack

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 10:06:16 EST 2013

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:41 AM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
<alanjas at hotmail.com> wrote:
> We have similars problems with our wiki, even pass the captchas!
> For new users, you can add an option to someone (an admin) validate
> each new account?

I will be talking to the Pootle devs about a long-term solution.  Part
of it may be that we are many versions back and need an upgrade, part
of it may be asking them to tweak the registration workflow as you
suggest.  There is a CAN_REGISTER flag in localsettings.py that I
simply changed from "True" to "False", it was not a big deal, but I do
want to get us back to self-service (with adequate security) ASAP.


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