[Localization] requesting lang admin for Nahuatl

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 15:05:34 EST 2011

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Francisco Ordaz <fordazmx at gmail.com> wrote:

> We are working in hus-MX, in the team participate:
> 1. The State Government through the Secretary of Education in
> collaboration with
> 2. Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) and,
> 3. Instituto de Lenguas Indígenas.
> 4. We have the interest of other Secretaries of Education in other states
> here in Mexico.
> The results and experience in translating hus-Mx has been rewarding and
> has given us experience, so now we are proposing to work on the translation
> of the Nahuatl. The people that know Nahuatlare ready to collaborate in
> this effort.
> I request lang admin for nahuatl, my user is: fordazmx

Dear Franscisco,

You've been granted language admin on lang-nah.


I would very much like to work with the Mexico team to develop and upstream
glibc locales for hus_MX and nah_MX.  Please let me know who would have
primary responsibility for that?

Please see the attached file for information that would be very helpful to
start this process.

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es  -Spanish (as an example)

Month names (mon) 
enero; febrero; marzo; abril; mayo; junio; julio; agosto; septiembre; octubre; noviembre; diciembre

Month abbreviations (abmon) 
ene; feb; mar; abr; may; jun; jul; ago; sep; oct; nov; dic

Weekday names (day) 
domingo; lunes; martes; miércoles; jueves; viernes; sábado

Days abbreviated (abday) 
dom; lun; mar; mié; jue; vie; sáb


hus - Huastec (Téenek)

Month names (mon) 

Month abbreviations (abmon) 

Weekday names (day) 

Days abbreviated (abday) 


nah -  Nahuatl languages

Month names (mon) 

Month abbreviations (abmon) 

Weekday names (day) 

Days abbreviated (abday) 

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