[Localization] cannot commit glucose

Markus Schlager m.slg at gmx.de
Mon Sep 20 15:00:31 EDT 2010

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Markus Schlager wrote:

> Hi Sayamindu,
> Committing sugar-base.po for glucose get's me this:
> ---8X------------------------------
> Failed to commit file: [GIT] commit of
> ('/var/lib/pootle/checkouts/glucose/sugar-base', 'po/de.po') failed: # On
> branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to
> update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to
> discard changes in working directory) # # modified: po/bg.po # modified:
> po/bn.po # modified: po/bn_IN.po # modified: po/ca.po # modified: po/cs.po
> # modified: po/dz.po # modified: po/fa_AF.po # modified: po/fil.po #
> modified: po/gu.po # modified: po/he.po # modified: po/ht.po # modified:
> po/hu.po # modified: po/id.po # modified: po/km.po # modified: po/ko.po #
> modified: po/mr.po # modified: po/ms.po # modified: po/ne.po # modified:
> po/pa.po # modified: po/pap.po # modified: po/ps.po # modified:
> po/pt_BR.po # modified: po/ru.po # modified: po/rw.po # modified: po/sk.po
> # modified: po/th.po # modified: po/tvl.po # modified: po/zh_CN.po # #
> Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be
> committed) # # po/messages.mo # po/new.pot # po/ur.po.bak no changes added
> to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> ---X8------------------------------
> I got a similar error, when I commited sugar-toolkit.po for a second time.
> Does this error appear only when I commit a file which has been commited
> already?

I don't get this error with MonticelloExtras.po from Etoys, for example.


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