[Localization] Tamil Translation 100%

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Sun Sep 12 12:28:18 EDT 2010

On 12.09.2010, at 18:12, தங்கமணி அருண் wrote:

>> Hi All, 
>> After adding etoys new project we once again completed the Tamil translation. i have completed 1200+ words just in two days :-)
> Outstanding!
> Please commit the POs so they show up in our development repository.
> I do not have commit access. I did translation here : http://translate.sugarlabs.org/ta
> Can you please help me is that right way of doing

Yes, don't worry, it's fine.

> or i have to download PO's and after the translation have to commit back ??

No. There are "language admins" who have commit access. It's just a button to push in Pootle. I don't know who the language admin is for Tamil Etoys but they will surely speak up. The server admin can commit, too, if needed.

> If so can you please give me commit access.

- Bert -

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