[Localization] Malagasian: howto add it to the list of locales?

s.boutayeb at free.fr s.boutayeb at free.fr
Thu Sep 3 15:50:52 EDT 2009

Hi Sayamindu,

Selon Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu at gmail.com>:

> Thanks for spotting this. It looks like some files had not been pushed
> to the repository - doing that now. It should be done by the next one
> hour.
> Thanks,
> Sayamindu

I created a new local repository and it worked:
- the source subdirectories in sugar-jhbuild/source (such as
sugar-jhbuild/source/browse/po/) have now their "mg.po" file (same as the one
uploaded to the Pootle server)
- the directory in sugar-jhbuild/install/share/locale/mg/LC_MESSAGES have
various *.mo files (such as org.laptop.WebActivity.mo)
- I can enter into the language menu (the issue was related to wrong parameter
in the ~.i18n file.
- the language menu shows Malagasy in the language list
- I can select Malagasy as the first language and French as the second one
- I can view localized text (in fact very few string are in malagasian, but it's
another problem and the localization team is/will working on it).

To sum it up, this is a great step forward! Thanks again!

Kind regards,


> --
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]

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