[Localization] [FM Discuss] FM-->DocBook (was Fwd: Fwd: [Sugar-devel] Documentation ...)

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Mon Jun 1 21:16:20 EDT 2009

We discussed Docbook quite a bit in March and made one or two limp
attempts at conversion.  For example:


There are just two things preventing us from offering automatically
generated docbook:

1. Nobody has come up with a concrete enough need for it to even say
what good FM docbook would look like (until now?).

2. The source is html written by over 700 people using a mix of wysiwyg
editors, twiki markup, hand coding, and cut-and-paste from word processors.

It would be easier to concentrate on the first problem.  We won't know
if the books' source needs a manual clean-up until it is shown to be


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