[Localization] German and French keyboard layouts

Bastien bastienguerry at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 13 03:40:44 EST 2009

"Nicholas Bodley" <nbodley at speakeasy.net> writes:

> Without more information, that seems strange. Afaik, we have a Nepalese  
> keyboard layout, yet we couldn't manage a German layout, which might be  
> standard in roughly 15 countries?  Good grief! I surely have no dislike at  
> all for Nepal; it's a developing country, but, I'm sure, has a much  
> smaller number of people than are in countries that use the German layout.  

I guess there is a nepalese keyboard because there is a deployment
there.  How many countries with a need for a german keyboard have a
contract with OLPC?  (No rhetoric question, I would really like to


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