[Localization] How to translate or buil my own help system for etoys OLPC?

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Fri Nov 7 14:32:52 EST 2008

On 06.11.2008, at 17:01, Luis Valente wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to help a lot of children using the eToys OLPC but I need  
> to have the help flap in our language or create a customised help  
> system for us. How do I do that? Can anyone help me?

Hi Luis,

the help cards (we call them "quick guides") are not yet translatable  
automatically, we have a ticket open about that but no code yet:


A work-around would be that you send the translations for each card to  
the Etoys list (*) and some Etoys developer would manually create new  
guides which would replace the English ones in /usr/share/etoys/ 

- Bert -

(*) http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/etoys

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