[Localization] khmer unicode

Bart Geesink bart at geesink.org
Mon May 26 11:51:44 EDT 2008

Hi List,

I am trying to get Khmer Unicode working on the XO. So far, almost everything 
is working as everything is already present in Xorg. However, there are four 
special characters in Khmer, which are combined vowels (you press one key on 
your keyboard and two vowels appear). This does not seem to work on the XO. 
If I press these keycombinations, I get to see an symbol for the 
corresponding unicode character. 
The compose key combinations are in this 
file: /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose. I copied the one from my 
openSUSE system (on which it works). 

I have changed the language settings so that $LANG is en_US.UTF-8 (in order to 
be sure that the correct Compose file is used).
I also tried to copy the compose file to ~.XCompose but that also didn´t work 
(this ~.XCompose should override the Compose file 
in /usr/share/X11/locale/$LANG as suggested here: 

I also tried to put:
export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
in ~.bashrc as suggested in several places, but that also didn't seem to work. 
Does anyone have a clue how I can enable Compose on the XO? Or what I am doing 
wrong here? 


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