[Localization] Romanian localization

Adi Roiban adi at roiban.ro
Mon Feb 18 15:07:43 EST 2008

În data de Ma, 19-02-2008 la 01:06 +0530, Sayamindu Dasgupta a scris:
> Hi Adi,
> Thanks for helping out. I added you as the administrator for Romanian.
> If you need any help, please do let me know. If you are new to Pootle,
> I would suggest that you go through
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide#Pootle_Userguide_for_Translation_Leads
> Thanks again,
> Sayamindu

I know how to use pootle. Most of the current translation were
translated me.

Still I have a big problem with pottle and I would be very happy to
solve it.

Romanian language has 3 plural forms, but in pootle I can only translate
2 forms. What should I do to enable all forms.

For example %s day / %s days:
msg[0] %s zi
msg[1] %s zile
msg[2] %s de zile

But I can not add this formst in pottle:

Kind regards,
Adi Roiban

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