[Localization] representative .po files needed for idiom

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Nov 7 15:19:35 EST 2007

Not sure if Etoys is "representative" (other activities are small  
compared to Etoys with its 3500 strings), but here they are:


- Bert -

On Nov 7, 2007, at 20:48 , Todd Kelsey wrote:

> Hello -- could someone send me a few representative .po files for  
> core dev projects that I could pass along to the folks at Idiom?  
> Idiom has donated an instance of idiom worldserver for use with  
> OLPC, which can be used for documentation until open source  
> equivalent evolves -- on the call yesterday I also asked them about  
> integrating software strings and they were cool with the idea of  
> building a bridge for .po files.
> If anyone out there in dev/loc land has actually used idiom before,  
> or knows someone who could potentially be lured into some volunteer  
> work, 3hrs. a week, please feel free to pass them my way. this  
> could either be translators who have worked on the receiving end  
> with xml or rtf packages -- or someone who may actually have idiom  
> admin experience.
> Background: Idiom Worldserver is a massively scalable translation  
> management system, which can be used to help develop a  
> sophisticated translation memory, to make it easier to translate  
> "only what has not been translated yet". There are open source  
> alternatives which can and should be explored (and are being  
> explored), but Idiom is available, mature, and deployed in rapid  
> simultaneous release situations around the world in various  
> languages. (see www.idiominc.com)
> -- 
> Todd Kelsey
> Willy Wonka Wonderful! - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:StartOfMP.jpg
> Love Poem for people of Middle East: http://welcome.cftw.com
> Tour of laptop | http://wiki.laptop.org/go/608-demo-notes
> About Me/CFTW | http://docs.google.com/Doc? 
> docid=dhbxftbn_35f5b46b&hl=en"> http://docs.google.com/Doc? 
> docid=dhbxftbn_35f5b46b&hl=en
> Loving the World | http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhbxftbn_36cx4kj7
> "Fascinating for me to sit here and realize the interplay and  
> influence that music can have -- it is a part of my life, yet I  
> haven't continued as I could, partly out of thinking "there are  
> more important things". but it has it's place. i am sitting at olpc  
> offices, and someone is playing pink floyd, and I think music is a  
> gift of creativity that can inspire an atmosphere of creativity,  
> and the range of such echoes is infinite." - Me
> Tunes: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm? 
> fseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=191736094
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