[linux-mm-cc] First experience of compressed cache

Nitin Gupta nitingupta910 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 04:38:16 EDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 1:15 PM, John McCabe-Dansted <gmatht at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Nitin Gupta <nitingupta910 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  I don't yet have testing infrastructure for kernel allocator. I tried
>  >  systemtap some time back to instrument kmalloc code but that didn't
>  >  work as expected. I will now planning to use swap replay with some
>  >  additional helper mods to get these numbers. Swap Replay will also
>  >  allow us to reproduce same test results again easily.
>  Well, you could do that. Or you could just use these rough and ready
>  numbers from starting firefox on ubuntu-7.10 liveCD on 220MB VM:
>  CurrentPages:       7919
>  CurrentMem:        18345 kB
>  PeakMem:           18345 kB
>  _K_Mem:            26043 kB
>  The _K_Mem is the memory use reported by ksize, assuming that we
>  allocate using kmalloc, calculated according to this function.
>  static size_t kmalloc_size(size_t klen)
>  {
>         void* m;
>         size_t ks;
>         m=kmalloc(klen,GFP_KERNEL);
>         ks=ksize(m);
>         kfree(m);
>         return ks;
>  }
>  This shows that kmalloc(klen,GFP_KERNEL) increases space required by
>  ~42%. This gives a good reason not to use kmalloc(klen,GFP_KERNEL).
>  Would you like me to investigate alternatives to GFP_KERNEL? I suspect
>  that we would at least want slices of sizes
>  4096,3276,2730,2340,2048,1820,1638,1489 (which can be produced from
>  16k slabs), and possibly a few slices that can only be produced from
>  32k slabs.

Your patch almost serves the purpose. But it will be much more convincing if we
can show TLSF vs Kmalloc perf over a period of time instead of just
the difference
in peak usage. For eg:
which compares variants of TLSF after every write operation.

>  Ofcourse, once we start creating new "caches" (slice sizes) then we
>  create a new form of fragmentation. The kernel  avoids reaping pages
>  from caches with less than 10 pages free, so we might expect an over
>  head of at least 40k per cache, so just the 8 slice sizes above would
>  involve an overhead of over 8*40k=320k when in use. Not sure how to
>  measure this.

> Perhaps recreate kmalloc in userspace with your swap
>  replay.

This will be very cumbersome. Instead, I'm planning to modify
tlsf_kmod_test module (in SVN) to give out these numbers.

> Is Swap replay included in compcache-0.3?

Its only in SVN (trunk/sub-projects/swap_replay).

- Nitin

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