[OLPC library] Help the Help activity!

Brian Jordan brian at laptop.org
Tue Sep 16 16:33:15 EDT 2008

The Help activity is about to be used on a bunch of laptops (via the
G1G1 activity page/activity updater)!

The activity itself was originally written by marcopg, and its content
is being (manually) generated from the FlossManuals remix system:
http://en.flossmanuals.net/remix . It is a combination of chapters
from the Sugar and XO manuals.

Help test and improve Help! Write and improve Sugar/XO content at
flossmanuals, find and submit bugs for component help-activity, make a
new good-looking cascading stylesheet for the bundle!

To try it out:
(1) get Help from git:
sudo yum install git
git-clone git://dev.laptop.org/activities/help
cd help
./setup.py dev

(2) get the Help xo bundle:
wget http://dev.laptop.org/~bjordan/help-3.xo
sugar-install-bundle help-3.xo

Open bugs (blocking 8.2?):
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8513 - doesn't look nice with screen rotation
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8514 - missing one section
other tickets: http://dev.laptop.org/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&component=help-activity

IF YOU KNOW CSS: Help make the Help Activity work on screen rotation:
Firebug is very helpful: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1843

IF YOU KNOW HOW TO WRITE: Help make the Help Activity's "Powering of
your Laptop" section:
edit this: http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/XO/AdvancedPower

IF YOU CAN FLOSSMANUALS REMIX and upload the results: Help create new
content remixes of the Help Activity:
instructions are listed in the description of: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8514
export as a .tar.gz, that is exactly what is in the Help.activity/help/ folder


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