paradigm shift and OLPC

Nagarajan Vadivel radius.consultancy at
Sun Nov 18 09:09:49 EST 2007

Hello All,
I am an academician from INDIA.  In anticipation that India will be
one of the beneficiaries of OLPC I did some research on the use of
OLPC for delivering content both syncronously and asynchronously.  It
is unfortunate that India opted out of the OLPC project
One of the topics gained currency earlier was the creation of content
depositories as net library with ebboks and audio books.  It was also
further emphasisde that there must be a cadre of paid and nonpaid net
librarians having their virtual presence to help the teachers and
learners to manage information.
I understand the OLPC as a paradigm shift deschholing learning as an
institution to create a virtual network of learning and teaching where
the students will be active learners and the teachers will be "guides
by the side"
I am aware that the paradigm shift requires the delivery of content
through internet and internet mainly in digital and multimedia form
The technology is another issue where the content creators and
developers provide the content in the web and in the flash drive
I did some work to port content mainly of creatice commons and open
source type in USB flash drive and UDisk for distribution to the
teachers to share the same with the learners in the meshed environmeny
in the class room context
When the learners are atomized and work individually they may use the
net librarians to get the guidance
It is an ecosystem of internet synergising the appliances (Flash
drives) and services (net librarian/net library) for
deinstitutionalising the school with meaningful virtual educational
service to millions
The challenge is already there and how we will challenge the challenge?

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