[OLPC library] Working on a repository system for Nepal's OLPC pilot

Michael Rueger michael at sophieproject.org
Thu Dec 13 10:02:20 EST 2007

Bryan Berry wrote:
> Hey Michael,
> It is a small world. As you are probably aware, your office mate Bert
> Freudenberg is here in Kathmandu w/ us helping us ramp up our Squeak

I know :-)

> Did you compare Fedora w/ DSpace at all? 

No, not really.

> When you say that you were porting Sophie to the XO do you mean that you
> were porting the entire authoring environment just like Squeak? It would

Yes. We had it running on a by now ancient version of the XO.
Back then not much integration was necessary, but with the current state 
of the XO platform we would need to rethink (and rewrite) quite a few 
things about how Sophie deals with resources/files/media.

> be a shame if you couldn't read Sophie books on the XO at all but

A reader would actually be a lot easier to port to the XO.

> perhaps your web plugin will solve that problem

It's not a plugin, but a SVG/Ajax based reader for Sophie books exported 
in a customized format. I must add though, that (at least currently) the 
web reader technology is not open source.


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