Hello Everybody!<br><br>I am an engineering student of Panjab University, Chandigarh. On 5th Feb, our team launched the OLPC India Student Chapter. The student chapter has two objectives:<br><br>1. To spread awareness about OLPC in India.<br>
2. To develop localized content according to the Indian needs.<br><br>The student chapter has a wiki page: <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_India_Student_Chapter">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_India_Student_Chapter</a><br>
<br>Elaborating about both of our objectives, firstly the content development:<br><br>Instead of working on activities, initially we are working on Content Bundles. Since activities require programming and hence a lot of time, we are developing content (in Hindi as of now) which can be directly used by schools, like the Khairat School. The content will be in the form of a website (a sample link is given below), which will be saved on the school server. The teacher can share the content, according to the daily course, with the students. In this way, the internet connectivity is not a hurdle.<br>
<br>As a starting, we have made a library of animal kingdom. In this, the child will see image of an animal, then will listen characteristic sound of that animal, then will listen how to pronounce its name and then how to write its name. So, actually 4 things in one step and then will move on to the next animal.<br>
<br>We have uploaded a sample of such a website at (Use only Internet Explorer, as javascript is not working with Firefox) : <a href="http://oiscanimals.googlepages.com/home">http://oiscanimals.googlepages.com/home</a><br>
<br>Also, we are working to make photo stories of Panchatantra.<br><br>One thing we've kept in mind is filesize. We have used compression techniques to reduce the file size of images.<br><br>As far as our team's other wing is concerned, that is to spread awareness, we are planning to make presentations about OLPC in various universities, schools and colleges. In this way, we hope to grow our team and do more innovative work.<br>
<br>Visit our pages:<br><br><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_India_Student_Chapter">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_India_Student_Chapter</a><br><a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OISC_Projects:Animals">http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OISC_Projects:Animals</a><br>
<a href="http://oiscanimals.googlepages.com/home">http://oiscanimals.googlepages.com/home</a><br><br>Comments and suggestions are welcome.<br><br>Gaurav Chachra<br>