[OLPC India] OLPC Small Scale developments India

ravis ravisu at rediffmail.com
Sun Aug 30 16:05:46 EDT 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------From:"K. K. Subramaniam" To:india at lists.laptop.orgDate:Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:41:59 +0530Subject:Re: [OLPC India] OLPC Small Scale developments IndiaOn Sunday 30 Aug 2009 10:52:03 pm ravis wrote:> The one thing that we need to remember always is that OLPC is about> SCALE!It does not work with a few laptops, regardless of how noble the> intent.Ravi,Scale is hardly likely to be an issue in a country that is adding 5+ millionmobile phone subscribers a month and 2+ million laptops a year!OLPC has to be careful not to get its role as a universal education promotermixed up with its role as a XO vendor. Ideally, there should be a separateorganization for each of these roles.As a education promoter, OLPC should partner with regional NGOs and supportgroups. It should leave the decision of sharing laptop between two or morechildren to the parents/providers. It is a complex cultural issue. They mayeventually chose to have one per child, but that should be allowed to emergenaturally, not imposed from "above".As a XO vendor, OLPC has to be prepared to sell XOs in large number of smallpacks - say 5-packs, 10-packs, 50-packs, 100-packs. This will require tie-upswith retailers in metros, towns, online shopping portals who can thenaggregate orders from parents and local governing bodies (public schools).Subbu
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