[OLPC India] moving forward..

Satish Jha OLPC satish at laptop.org
Wed Sep 10 08:38:06 EDT 2008


I cannot talk about things I am not privy to. As far as I know, we need
partners who have the capacity to scale up. Our partners in the past not
contributed any funds so far and a non profit organization OLPC has been
incurring significant costs for pilots. We need multiple partners. Its a
project that requires supporting about 20 million children entering the
primary school system every year in India. The total for the age group OLPC
is targeting in India is about 150 million. That's a huge undertaking and we
need partners who are willing to contribute a significant part of their
Corporate Social Responsibility budget to the cause, and quickly.

Our discussions with various business houses are very encouraging and these
are being held with the board and their chairmen. We have to focus our
energy in that direction.

We need every partner we can get and we need partners who are passionate
about it and have resources to commit as we speak. It will be great to have
this groups' thoughts on how to move forward and what each of us can do to
achieve that..

As of now this is what I have to share. Thanks for your understanding.

Satish Jha

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Marc Valentin <mvalentin at oeuvredespains.org
> wrote:

>   >> I consider your observations far from positive in tone and I do not
> have an
> >> answer for you. If you are keen on supporting OLPC India, I will
> appreciate
> >> if we look forward. I do not have answers for things past. Now that we
> have
> >> a team in place, we will create a website as well. That will take its
> own
> >> time. Cambridge Center is the official address of OLPC. We can inform
> about
> >> what we plan and what we achieve now on. I am closing this discussion
> and
> >> shall greatly appreciate if questions are brought forth in a spirit of
> >> moving forward.
> >>
> >> Thanks much.
> >
> >
> > Satish,
> >
> > I really don't think you can close the discussion without a few
> > clarifications. There appear to be several different entities. There
> > is
> >
> > 1) Satish Jha, President OLPC India
> > 2) Reliance's Khairat pilot
> > 3) Digital Bridge Foundation
> > 4) olpc.co.in
> > 5) the large list of volunteers on this list.
> >
> > I'm all for moving forward, but considering that we, the volunteers,
> > were here a long time before you joined, the least you owe us is a
> > connect-the-dots answer.
> >
> > Sameer
> > --
> > Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
> > Associate Professor of Information Systems
> > San Francisco State University
> > San Francisco CA 94132 USA
> > http://verma.sfsu.edu/
> > http://opensource.sfsu.edu/
> >
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