Hi all ! <br><br>I am suren, Third year Engineering student from India. I am very much interested to contribute for OLPC. I checked out the OLPC page and am keen to work on the school server Idea.<br><br> I am one of the <a href="http://www.nitt.edu/home/students/clubsnassocs/computing/delta/webteam/">core webteam members</a> of my college ( NIT Trichy) which manages the college website(<a href="http://www.nitt.edu">www.nitt.edu</a>) and Our technical Festival(<a href="http://pragyan.org">pragyan.org</a>). I have good working expereince python,PHP,server administration and web application development. I have also worked around with open source blogger - wordpress. I along with another student have developed <a href="http://nittians.com">nittians.com</a> , using wordpress and writing our own code to fetch the posts from all the college students' blogs and display in the site.Thats the main reason I choose to work for this project as it suits my interests and I believe I can do some nice work as I am already familiar in this area.<br>
<br>Regarding the idea itself ,the problem of networked blogging has been explained nicely. I could understand the work expected out of that. But the school server admin interface design , has not been completely described. So i would like to know more about that. <br>
Will that application also be run in sugar or the school server is going to be of some other operating system ? In fact it will be nice If i can talk to someone through IRC or chat so that I can understand what exactly is being required out of the project. i am looking forward for such an opportunity so that I can include everything thats being expected ,in my proposal. <br>
<br>Further I am looking forward for additional deliverables as I hope more can be done in a span of three months for the SOC.<br><br>----<br>Regards<br>suren<br>Third year Engineering student<br>NIT Trichy<br>India<br><br>