<div dir="ltr">There are three bits of blog-o-blog that I would like to make you all aware of,<br><br>First, a preview of an interview that happened today with WorkFast TV at the OLPC Headquarters:<br><a href="http://www.kyte.tv/ch/6118-scobleizer-and-workfasttv-chat/226537-olpc-headquar">http://www.kyte.tv/ch/6118-scobleizer-and-workfasttv-chat/226537-olpc-headquar</a><br>
Only a small clip<br><br>Secondly, there's a fairly positive story on a cnet blog about OLPC can bring connectivity and a voice to indigenous people who have no voice otherwise: <br><b>Possibly NSFW in a National Geographic way</b><br>
<a href="http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/high-on-a-hill/post.htm?id=63006514&scid=rvhm_ms">http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/high-on-a-hill/post.htm?id=63006514&scid=rvhm_ms</a><br><br><br>And lastly, the XO makes an appearance in the long lived Homestar runner flash animation (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestarrunner">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestarrunner</a>) in it's 200th email:<br>
<a href="http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemailtwohundred.html">http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemailtwohundred.html</a><br><br>It's cute, but in the animation an XO is destroyed by pouring Mountain Dew on the XO's keyboard. :D<br>
<br><i> Video responce anyone? Plus drop test, oven test and XO-in-the-freezer? :D</i><br><br><br></div>